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2 posts tagged with "vivado"

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· 6 min read
Syed Tousif Ahmed

The hardware design community have been following a design paradigm where you think of designing hardware spatially, i.e. start with a block diagram. I remember from my undergraduate logic design course, a block diagram was required before we started a lab assignment. It is the right approach for designing hardware. Vivado reinforces this paradigm by asking people to open the Vivado GUI, use the IP integrator and create a block design.

· 2 min read
Syed Tousif Ahmed

So I learned about this parameter that can be set in vivado, called place.debugShape, for my overlay generation work. It was referred in one of the tcl scripts in RapidWright with the command set_param place.debugShape $shapesFileName. Studying the tcl commands guide, I found out, you can list the description of this property using report_param -non_default, which suggests place.debugShape is an internal knob. A caveat of the report_param command is that, it only lists these internal params when it is changed from its default value (you can know its default value by get_param). That is, report_param -non_default won't show you all the internal knobs that are in vivado.